Original Medicare is a US government-sponsored program for health insurance that includes both Medicare Part A and Part B. Medicare Part A is hospital insurance, and Medicare Part B is medical insurance. Part B Medicare generally comes with a monthly premium. For people who have Medicare coverage through their employer, they may decide to enroll in Medicare Part B at a later point in time.
Medicare is available to legal permanent residents that have been legal permanent residents for five years or more of the United States as well as US citizens. People are most often enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B when they turn 65 years of age or if they qualify by disability. Details on how to be eligible for automatic enrollment are available in other articles. This article is to determine if you need Medicare part B in general. For people who are not automatically enrolled in Medicare Part B, signing up is done manually.
People can sign up for Medicare Part B during the Initial Enrollment Period, which happens when you are first eligible for Medicare. It is also possible to enroll for Medicare Part B during the General Enrollment, which runs from January 1 to March 31 each year. Being aware of what your current insurance policy covers, as well as what Medicare Part B covers, will help you make an educated decision when it comes to deciding whether to enroll in this plan.
What Does Part B Cover?
There are numerous things that the plan covers, including your outpatient medical expenses. These are covered at 80% by Medicare, meaning that you pay 20%. This is after you pay for the deductible for care, which is around $150. Things that are covered by Medicare Part B include doctor’s visits, secondary opinions before surgery, and lab costs. It also covers mental health services, including mental health outpatient services and mental health partial hospitalization. Also, coverage for clinical research, preventative care, and ambulance services, among others, are covered.
If you are looking to decide whether to go with your employer healthcare or Medicare Part B, take the time to research your needs. There are multiple different strategies when it comes to determining if you need this plan when it is first offered.
Do You Need Medicare Part B?
Many people with employer-based healthcare decide not to get Medicare, but others in similar situations decide to sign up for Medicare Part B. If you have qualifying insurance from an employer or retirement insurance that can be utilized instead of Medicare Part B, you may decide to stick with the plan that you already have. If you do not have either of these things, enrolling in Medicare Part B can be highly beneficial in numerous ways. In the year 2015, the monthly premium for Part B coverage, was $136. Medicare insurance can be a huge benefit, particularly for people who do not have any other type of medical insurance coverage. If you do not have an insurance plan to cover costly medical bills, you will be responsible for paying your medical costs out-of-pocket. These expenses can be very high.
In addition, you can get a Part B penalty if you do not have appropriate insurance coverage. It is possible to utilize other Medicare options as well. If enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B, you can choose an alternate Medicare option. Options include Medicare Advantage plans. Also, Original Medicare can be supplemented with a Medigap insurance policy.
Do the research and consider whether or not Medicare Part B can save you a lot of money in terms of out-of-pocket costs. Generally speaking, the only reason not to enroll in this program is if substantial coverage is coming from an alternate source. Looking at the other options you have for medical insurance, including your employer-based insurance coverage or your retirement insurance coverage, can help you decide.
Do I Need Medicare Part B If I’m A Veteran?
There are options in terms of benefits for veterans. This includes VA insurance plans. Not every veteran will qualify for VA coverage and not having an insurance plan can prove to be incredibly costly. Variables that are considered for veterans to be eligible for VA coverage include the length of military service you have had, your discharge characterization, and other variables as well. Also, the VA has a system where different people will get different amounts of coverages based on the factors considered. If you feel you are not getting enough coverage, or do not qualify for coverage, through the VA, you may want to consider getting a Medicare Part B plan.
Keep in mind that if you opt-out of Medicare Part B and then decide to join at a later point in time, you will pay a late penalty. In addition, you have to wait until the General Enrollment Period in order to get your coverage. Due to this, you may be uncovered in terms of insurance until you are able to enroll. Many professionals say that the majority of veterans should sign up for a Part B plan.